Tuesday, 11 October 2011

Tonight's GOP Dartmouth Debate - TJ Walker's Predictions

Mitt Romney had another good debate performance and none of his rivals really laid a glove on him. His experience really shows. He plays the game on an entirely different level. In fact, his biggest rival might be himself. When he rambles answers to questions, he comes off looking slick and untrustworthy.

Herman Cain proved he'll be in the top tier for at least a few more weeks. Much of the debate focused on his 9-9-9 tax plan which was only good for his profile. He took some heat from his rivals -- particularly from Ron Paul on the Federal Reserve -- but handled it well enough. He doesn't get rattled easily.

Rick Perry did almost nothing to distinguish himself. Once again, he seemed tired and incoherent. Perry needed a good performance to turn around the narrative that his campaign is flailing but didn't have one.

Of the remaining candidates, only Newt Gingrich seemed to shine. He frequently put himself into the discussion and made good points. But at the end of the day, he's more of a pundit than a presidential candidate.

One other note: Karen Tumulty did a wonderful job asking questions. She was the best prepared on the entire stage tonight.

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