Tuesday, 27 September 2011

Nancy Grace Suffered her slip nipple Wardrobe Malfunction @ Twitter [VIDEO]

Nancy Grace suffered a major wardrobe malfunction in week two of ABC's "Dancing With the Stars" when, after an energetic performance with partner Tristan MacManus, her breast spilled out of her dress. Grace hid her face as host Tom Bergeron joked, "On the European version that would be perfectly fine." (ABC)
Nancy Grace showed Nicki Minaj level nip during last night’s appearance on DWTS. Her chest was so precariously stuffed into her dress that after her dip at the end of the dance the right one popped out. For about a second you could see half of her saucer sized areola (at :30 into the clip above). The camera panned to the audience to cover up for it, and then Nancy recovered and adjusted herself. Host Tom Bergeron laughed and said “That’s all right, on the European version that would be perfectly fine.” Only this isn’t the European version and won’t someone please think of the children? They’re already traumatized and confused by a transgender dude dancing who somehow has the agenda of “tearing down traditional families.” It’s not gratuitous violence we should be shielding them from, it’s boobs!

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